Father Thomas Flynn was born and raised in Washington, D.C. After graduating from high school in 1998, he entered the novitiate and College of Humanities of the Legion of Christ in Cheshire, Connecticut. After two years of novitiate, Father Thomas made his first profession of vows on September 2, 2000. Father Thomas then spent eight years in Rome and received a master’s degree in philosophy, as well as a bachelor’s degree in sacred theology. Upon completing his studies, he was ordained to the priesthood in St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome on December 12, 2011. His apostolic work has included seminary formation, youth work, chaplain of a school, retreat director and spiritual director. Father Thomas currently serves as chaplain for Mercy Health Hospital in Anderson and Clermont, Ohio. He also ministers to inmates for their sacramental and spiritual care at Warren Correctional Institute. Father Thomas also supports Mater Filius Queen City on the West Side of Cincinnati as their chaplain. Some of Father Thomas’ hobbies are painting, hiking and cooking.