Team Leader Formation Overnight! August 2-3, 2019 Rekindle the Passion of a desire for relationships with your sisters in Christ! Bring all handouts that you have been given as a team leader!
Friday night: Socializing 7:00 PM: Arrive
7:30 PM: Wine tasting with Jiffie
9:00 PM: Night Balance: Name all your team members and a prayer petition for each
Saturday: Affirmation, discernment and Team Leader basics: 7:45 AM: Morning prayers
8:00 AM: Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM: Mass at St. Joseph Crescent Springs??
10:00 AM: Profile of a team leader
11:00 AM: Discerning our team life
NOON: Lunch: Pizza and salad?
1:00 PM: Discernment plan: Our call as Team leader and our team life
2:00 PM: Blessing
3:00 PM: Departure