NEWS ARTICLE A New Song from Jill Swallow “Thy Kingdom Come” is the new song from Jill Swallow, consecrated woman of Regnum Christi. Jill shared her thoughts on the creation of this new work, likely to become popular with Regnum Christi members and beyond.
Where did the inspiration for this song come from? I wrote this song on a First Friday in June when I was home alone. I was in the chapel reading and reflecting on the revised version of the statutes for the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi. I was deeply moved by the image used in Statute #8 – that the consecrated woman kneels at the foot of the cross to receive the treasures of the Kingdom from the open side of Christ and bring them to the world. When I read that line it was like the gates of my heart flung open in resonance and excitement, and I ran to the piano because I knew that image had to be put to song!
How long did it take you to compose it? How was the process similar to or different from your other songs? Not long at all, which was a unique experience for me! I felt like the song was just pouring out of my heart, transmitting its deepest desires. Many of my others songs have taken much longer to get out. I believe this song was a special gift from the Sacred Heart not just for me but for all my brothers and sisters in Regnum Christi (and beyond)!
What do you hope to transmit through it? The song transmits my passionate love for Jesus Christ and my desire to share in his mission of saving souls. I hope this song will help spark a similar love and desire in others’ hearts, setting them on fire to “press on” and collaborate in building the Kingdom. I sincerely wish that every person would know how much they are loved by God and find their true happiness in Him, hence the line “I will not rest until your love is known by all.”
The song starts with a more contemplative tone and then picks up energy and passion, mirroring what often takes place in our following of Christ: we spend time at His feet in prayer and are then moved to go out and spread His reign. The closing stanzas which begin with “Come, Spirit, come” were added as a reminder that we are not the protagonists in the work of evangelization. We need the Holy Spirit to infuse our hearts with love so that we can fight tirelessly to build Christ’s kingdom.
Why do you see this song meaningful for our spiritual family in this moment of our history? This song was written just after the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi received our revised Statutes and towards the end of the Renewal process of the Regnum Christi movement. I think the words of the song reflect the essence of a vocation to Regnum Christi – a call to a personal relationship with Christ that leads to participation in the New Evangelization. RC members’ motto – or battle cry – is “Thy Kingdom Come!”
“Thy Kingdom Come” is available at the following sites: