Thy Kingdom Come!
Our newly approved Statutes have a chapter called “Foundation of the Regnum Christi Federation.” This is where you find the purpose and mission of Regnum Christi — in other words, the reason it exists. Moved by the desire to keep growing in our understanding of the gift of our charism — with mind and heart — we offer these reflections as a resource to delve deeper into how our vocation is fundamentally an invitation to let the mystery of Christ transform our life and allow Him to continue His mission through us. We propose starting with number 8 of the Regnum Christi Statutes as a key interpretative passage.
NEW: Live the Mystery - Part II ( from RC Life Team)
This short booklet is a reflection on what it means to live a mystery of the life of Christ and make it present in the world. It is about the particular mystery in Christ’s life that the Regnum Christi identity springs from. It is intended to help us to go deeper in understanding our charism while praying with the Word of God.