Thy Kingdom Come!
Location: High School Mission will take place at the St. Vincent de Paul homeless shelter in Dayton, OH
Dates: March 28-31, 2024. Arrival at 10am on Holy Thursday and Departure at 10am on Easter Sunday
What to expect: We will be helping at the Homeless shelter doing all types of tasks to help around in general cleanliness, cooking, and organizing games and catechesis for the homeless. Our sleeping arrangements are by gender in the admin offices of St Vincent de Paul. Meals are provided for and will be sharing with the homeless. We will have all our Holy Week services at the shelter, inviting the homeless to participate with us. There will be time for confession and adoration and formation for the participants.
What to bring: sleeping bag and mat, pillow, 3 changes of clothes, toiletries and towel, shoes and/or boots, a set of decent clothes for mass, water bottle, and any donation you would like to offer the shelter or the homeless.
Contact for more information: Fr Andrew Gronotte @ [email protected] or Mary Peach @ [email protected]
We are always so grateful for your generosity, and are asking once again for your help.
The high school missionaries in Dayton will be eating their meals at the Saint Vincent de Paul, where they'll be staying. (Yay! We won't need to lug a bunch of food there, but donations to Saint Vincent de Paul to offset food costs would be greatly appreciated.)
As far as the Crosswalk (Cincinnati) goes, in the past many of you have helped us with our soup dinner at Saint Peter in Chains Cathedral's basement. This year we are humbly asking for monetary donations*, as well as snacks, veggies, and water for the dinner.
Use these links to sign up!
Checks (made to "RC Activities," Inc.) and other donations can be mailed or dropped off to Jenni VonLehman on her front porch at
Jenni VonLehman
2460 Cecilia Drive
Villa Hills KY 41017
* Donations will go toward cheese pizza after the crosswalk in Cincinnati, contributions to SVDP in Dayton, and the Holy Saturday festival that the high school students will be putting on for children at the SVDP in Dayton. (We'll need money for games, prizes, and food/drinks.)