Your name (First name, your initials, etc -- or "Anonymous"): Julian Simplicio Fernandes
Email:[email protected] Your Location (optional): Arkansas
Your Prayer Request: Special Christmas gift from infant Jesus himself on his earthly birthday for healing spiritually, physically, mentally in gratitude to God Almighty to reach out to one another especially the needy, poor, children, homeless, orphans, widows always neglected for selfish reasons, healing of broken hearted, unemployed are gainfully employed, healing of broken marriage and families, good governance all over the world. For innocent victims died, dying in unprecedented Corona vires world over are forgiven entire life’s sins in Lord Jesus blood and enter heavenly peace, families consoled in sorrows. victims turn to Jesus Christ in repentance healed by his wounds; doctors, nurses, attendants protected, blessed,those attending disposal of dead. All in medical research, government, health authorities are guided by the Holy Spirit work without selfish gains, daily wage earners, salaried who lost, jobs, small traders, farmers, and blessed. For ingratitude horrible Islam terrorism world over causing revengefullness that peace and fear of Yahweh true living God in Jesus Christ prevail. Thanks for successful surgery of asmita s underlip stye and land settlement and return of money after two years with Dadichi and divorce separation and revert to her maiden name. Thanks for healing of Abies mum Valsa from blood pressure MOST especially for Rev. Fr. Franklin in ICU very critical desperate medical situation, lungs breathing affecting his heart that he comes out safely and gets healed totally as he’s only opening eyes but not responding. Pray for healing of daughter asmita s period bleeding and protection for smooth documentation process in the final stage by Catholic Archdiocese Sydney Tribunal being sent to Archbishop Tribunal Mumbai, India where marriage took place without any hindrance. for healing of colleague Jessie daughter in ICU with lung infection in desperate situation of pnemonia, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and doctor given less hope, and jacy herself fractured left shoulder in a fall and to undergo surgery also her youngest daughter in 7th month pregnancy doesn’t have miscarriage e but have sound and safe delivery, and all three healed especially the daughter in ventilator and lung infection. Pray that Abie cooperates in providing relevant information and documents for Asmitas citizenship Australia and for a God fearing employed life Catholic partner sans harassment, obstruction, threats from Abie, his parents, close relatives and son alroyd mohammad, his wife shaista, relatives and immams. That my family small plot get distributed equally and/or house in exchange between myself daughter a and rebellious son alroyd moslem convert name Mohammad peacefully, as myself 70 years old desires it done peacefully, especially that he has filed suit court case against me and daughter and with draws it taking his legal share amicably, that Alroyd islam convert, wife and 3 gal kids and now new born boy 1st April 2020 along with entire family relatives surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord and savior with out threats or danger gets his own house peaceably and consistent job being jobless or losing jobs and resorting to housebreaking, stealing of documents, threatening and giving endless troubles with wife shaista, her family members. Also Healing, repentance forgiveness, humility of proud arrogant violent husbands (proud, arrogant, lying and bluffing) and their spouses and families. Also Peter, Josephine, linus, lourdes; jane, bosco and Keith; Francis, Seema and families, especially Peter, Josephine and Linus with good jobs, marriage alliance and homes. That all of us recite the Holy Rosary united as a family in n Jesus Christ name I pray Amen. For deliverance from all evils in my residential building name after Our Lady Ave Maria... Pray that this evil plan be smashed under the feet of Jesus Christ and that they be evicted and be returned with all Christian families, in Jesus name i pray. That unity among Christians all world over prevails and stand firmly against the devil. Thank you and God bless you and all of us, merry Christmas and heavenly blessing for new year 2021,Amen.